The Job portal designed by Shah Net is the top –– notch Job portal in the online job industry. We have designed the portal looking all the aspects of the industry. Our software is an extensive and powerful script in PHP, enabling you to launch your own jobs search portal. This script can be used in setting up a Job Board Site for specific countries, regional Job Site or a general Job Site. Additionally it can also be utilized as a job site. We provide you with the newest features of major employment sites out there. It also helps the back office for the administrators providing full control over the website, structure and content management, detailed user management, statistics and many more. Our Jobs Portal is a web product for running powerful and customized job portals. Our Jobs Portal main feature are front site (fully customizable and template based), jobseekers administration space (with functionality for the users to edit their profile, consult the job offers, manage their resume etc.), employers administration space (allowing the employers to post job ads, manage their company profile, search the database with the jobseekers resumes and many others) and powerful back office for the administrators (providing full control over the website, structure and content management, detailed user management, search engines reports, statistics and many others). Our Job Portal has three different types of user. Job seekers will be able to search jobs, create and upload multiple CV, apply for jobs online. Employers will be able to create their company profile, post their vacancies and search CV. Admin who can manage the site.
The portal has the following features Admin End List Management: |
Manage Listing |
Approved Listing |
Rejected Listing |
Pending Listing |
Post Job |
Overview |
Management |
Category |
Job Type |
Job Status |
Job Education |
Career Degree
Year Experience |
City |
Manage Pages |
Email Templates |
Payments |
PayPal |
System Configuration |
Admin Password |
System Settings |
Employers Manager : Site admin can manage all employers and can any time active or inactivate or can even edit delete etc.
Jobseekers Manager : Site admin can manage all Jobseekers and can any time active or inactivate or can even edit delete etc.
System Configuration : Site admin can configure the site for site name, site url, email address, PAYPAL email id, default country, default state, site keywords, site meta tags and etc...
General options Settings and Editing: Site admin can add and edit following :
Can Manage Countries, State, Cities.
Can Manage Categories, Property for, ownership details etc.
Can Edit Site pages Text like About us, FAQ, Contact us etc.
Can upload Site logo.
Can have unlimited no. of admin users.
And many more hidden features.
List Management: U can Post ur new job.U can also Manage Listing, Approved Listing, Rejected Listing, Pending Listing. And saw the overview of the post all job.
Registration with latest validation facilities
Can edit profile, change password… etc.
Membership plans : There are different levels of membership plans which are assigned by the site admin. Initially after registering the employers will be automatically assigned free membership with all the privileges of free membership plan assigned by the admin. They can either pay the membership plan fee either through online banking called “PAYPAL” or to the account details furnished by the site admin.
JOB POSTING : Posting and managing jobs: employers can post their job requirements from job posting module with complete details.
Can also set
apply filter options which enables employers to receive the resumes from candidates matching their posted their criteria.
They can also select acknowledgement and rejection letters from the list of sample letters for sending e-mails to candidates while applying.